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He never seems to have been touched with the slightest remorse for his crimes.

He never read a book in his life and …still writes a schoolboy hand. 他一生从来没有读过一本书,……写的字还像学童的手笔。
He never realizes how handsome he is! His life is too simple to live only on food, music and clothes! He never thinks about his physiognomy as an actor. 译:他从来不注重自己帅气的外貌!他的生活简朴极致到只有吃、穿和音乐!所以他从来不像一个艺人一样重视自己的外表。
He never refuses to help his comrades. 他从不拒绝帮助同志。
He never rubs anyone the wrong way. 他从不使任何人生气。
He never said a word the whole day. 一整天,他一句话也没说。
He never seems to have been touched with the slightest remorse for his crimes. 他似乎从来没有丝毫悔罪之意.
He never speaks an endearing word to his wife. 他从未封妻子说句亲密的话。
He never speaks calmly just snaps all the time. 他从来不心平气和地说话--总是高声喊叫.
He never speaks to me other than to ask for something. 他除了向我要东西,从不跟我说话。
He never spoke with hatred or resentment against any groups or individuals, and in social discourse he was unfailingly courteous, compassionate and fair. 他从不谈论对于任何组织或是对于任何人的增恨或是愤怒,在社交场合上的言论他总是谦恭有礼、怜悯而且正直。
He never stands aside when he is needed to lend a helping hand. 无论什么时候需要他帮助,他从不袖手旁观。

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