Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook or tie down his tongue with a rope?
1你能用鱼钩钓上鳄鱼吗?能用绳子压下它的舌头吗? |
Can you put a rope in his nose Or pierce his jaw with a hook?
伯41:2你能用绳索穿他的鼻子麽、能用钩穿他的腮骨麽。 |
Can you raise your voice to the clouds and cover yourself with a flood of water?
34你能向云彩扬起声来、使倾盆的雨遮盖你麽。 |
Can you see the C: prompt on the screen?
屏幕上你能看见C盘提示符吗? |
Can you see the C:\ prompt on the screen?
你可以在萤幕上看到C:\的提示符号吗? |
Can you, with Him, spread out the skies, Strong as a molten mirror?
伯37:18你岂能与神同铺穹苍麽.这穹苍坚硬、如同铸成的镜子。 |
Can't even hold him in the sight,the gunner said.
“简直不能‘盯’住它,”机枪手说。 |
Can't trust no bully,she answered.
“不能相信任何一个街霸,”她答道。 |
Can't you tell me?he said, pointing to young Murphy.
“你能不能告诉我呀?”他指着小墨菲问道。 |
Canine Monkis an ongoing series video works starting from 2004.
“犬僧“是自2004年开始且持续进行中的一系列录影作品计画。 |
Capecitabine tablets offer a degree of freedom from conventional chemotherapies administered in hospital, and may have a significant impact on the quality of life of women with advanced breast cancer.
“卡培他滨片提供了一定程度上的自由,有别于医院里的传统化疗给药方式,对晚期乳腺癌患者的生活质量会产生重大的影响。” |