They will attack and they will have mid-season fitness superiority.
他们会进攻,而且有正处于赛季中的优势。 |
They will attend a annual meeting.
他们将要出席一个一年一度会议。 |
They will attend a meeting annually.
他们将要出席一个一年一度会议。 |
They will attend an annual conference.
他们将要出席一个一年一度会议。 |
They will attend an annual meeting.
他们将要出席一个一年一度会议。 |
They will attend the annual conference.
他们将要出席一年一度会议。 |
They will attend the annual meating.
他们将要出席一年一年一度会议。 |
They will attest to the fact that there are billions of unconscious agreements and most of them negative in nature.
他们将证明一个事实,有无数个无意识协议,而它们绝大多数是消极的性质。 |
They will auction off a collection of oils .
他们将拍卖一批收藏的油画。 |
They will bastardize the issue of the second marriage.
他们将作贱第二次婚姻所生的孩子。 |
They will be a sign and a wonder to you and your descendants forever.
46这些咒诅、必在你和你后裔的身上成为异迹、奇事、直到永远。 |