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Tao - full name David Tao Hsu-chung - did not embark on a musical career until a chance meeting with one of Taiwan's famed producers, Wang Chih-ping, whom he met upon graduation as a psychology and film student at UCLA in Los Angeles.

Tantric Yogi involves proper breathing and increased awareness of the energy centers of your body thus purifying the channels and chakras allowing the energies to flow freely through the body. 坦陀罗瑜伽包括适当的呼吸和增强对身体能量中心的知晓,从而净化通道和脉轮,允许能量自由地流过身体。
Tantric practices use both ritual and meditation to unify the devotee with the chosen deity. 坦陀罗练习既使用仪式,也使用静心去把皈依者与所选择的神连接。
Tanya Chua recently lamented that her pal Stefanie Sun gets all the lurve. Indeed, why do we love Stef so much? Let's count the ways. 近来,蔡健雅抱怨她的好朋友孙燕姿得到了所有人的爱,确实,我们为什么这么爱孙燕姿呢?让我们逐一道来。
Tanya Leung noted that the South Asians were not aware of the fact that they broke the law when they participate in the marketing scam. 评论员梁雪芳说,这班南亚裔人士根本不知道参与层压式推销便已经触犯法律,部份来港当佣工的南亚裔人士,更可能因此违反了入境条例。
Tanya: What style will the ads be? 那么采取什么样的风格呢?
Tao - full name David Tao Hsu-chung - did not embark on a musical career until a chance meeting with one of Taiwan's famed producers, Wang Chih-ping, whom he met upon graduation as a psychology and film student at UCLA in Los Angeles. 陶吉吉,本名陶绪忠.本无意从事音乐工作.直到他在洛杉矶UCLA大学(他主修心理学跟电影)的毕业典礼上遇到一个来自台湾的制作人王治平.
Tao Ci says to herself,“Hum,with such a tiny body,how much materials could you use? I won't be afraid of paying the bill. 蟑螂:“陶子,我知道你在想什么。为我定制衣服,贵的不是材料,而是人工费嚄!”
Tao Feng Changzhou Chemical Company located in the Jiangsu International Plastics City, is in Changzhou City, the river Additives Ltd. and Jurong City Tao reagent production plant product sales window, the major products : toluene, pure benzene, xylene, n 常州涛峰化工有限公司座落在江苏国际塑化城,是常州市夏溪助剂有限公司和句容市龙涛试剂厂生产的产品的销售窗口,主要经营产品:甲苯、纯苯、二甲苯、辛醇、乙酸乙脂、乙酸丁脂、硅油、二苯胺、双聚丁二酰亚胺、苯三唑衍生物、异丙醇胺、乙醇胺、烷基二苯胺、防垢剂、促进剂、抗氧剂、降凝剂、消泡剂、金属钝化剂、HX-3308阻垢缓蚀剂、HX03-12柴油流动改进剂、硫磷丁辛基锌盐、氯桥酸、氯桥酸酐、氯苯、双聚环戊二烯、降冰片烯二酸酐等。
Tao Liming, who won Weifang Hongqi Scholarship in 1999 and was admitted to Peking University. 陶黎明:1999年获潍坊市“鸿启”奖学金,考入北京大学。
Tao Luna from China is sure to win, I bet. 中国的陶璐娜肯定夺冠,我敢打赌。
Tao Luna has become famous as one of the world's most precise sharpshooters. 陶璐娜以世界最准确的 神枪手之一而成名.

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