As enough ascending children enter the world and release the karma for humanity, the human dream shall drastically change.
当足够的提升孩童来到世界并释放人类的业力时,人类之梦将彻底改变。 |
As enticing as a piece of cake with rich whipped cream, this decadent fragrance evokes innocence and desire.
香水喷雾就象是涂上厚稠精华奶油的可口蛋糕那样诱人,那种自我嗜求的芬芳会唤醒纯真无暇和性感无比的协调。 |
As equal citizens and by virtue of your public promises we are entitled at your hands to freedom from discrimination, restriction, imputation and insult in government employ.
作为平等的公民,有鉴于你公开的许诺,我们有权在你手中享有在政府工作中不受歧视的自由,不受限制的自由,不受非难的自由,不受污辱的自由。 |
As estimated by the World Health Organization, environmental degradation has increased the incidence of preventable diseases around the world by 25 percent.
世界卫生组织估计,环境恶化使全球可预防疾病的发病率增加了25%。 |
As even a variation in one item leads to corresponding construct variations, without the other indicators necessarily having to vary too, this construct consequently has a formative structure (Diamantopoulos/Winklhofer, 2001).
架构的变化“基于行为的控制”和“基于销售量的控制”被诠释为相关因素或指使信号变化的影响原因。 |
As even its rivals concede, Exxon has one of the best records in the industry on health and environmental issues.
另外,即使埃克森的竞争对手也承认,埃克森对工作环境及健康安全要求严格,在行业中一直名列前茅。 |
As evening came the coastline faded into darkness.
夜晚来临,海岸线融入茫茫夜色中。 |
As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness.
夜幕降临时,海岸线消失在黑暗中。 |
As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront.
巴黎到了傍晚时分,随着码头上的雾气升起,巴黎的诱惑力也随之而起。 |
As every fairy tale comes real; i've looked at love that way.
所有童话故事都会成真,我曾经那样看待爱情。 |
As every thread of gold is valuable, so every moment of time.
一寸光阴一寸金. |