But of late, Phelps had been struggling both offensively and defensively, Yankees manager Joe Torre said.
但近来,菲尔普斯在打击及防守的表现上都不尽理想,托老说。 |
But of that $26.4 billion in extra income, Canadians spent a whopping $40.3 billion as they went on a spending binge.
虽然加拿大人的口袋里多了260.40亿,但是,加拿大人却发疯似地多花了400.30亿。 |
But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
32但那日子,那时辰,没有人知道,连天上的使者也不知道,子也不知道,惟有父知道。 |
But of the Son He says Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, And the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom.
来1:8论到子却说、『神阿、你的宝座是永永远远的、你的国权是正直的。 |
But of the brilliant digitized illusions conjured by the film, most of them wondrous and palpable at the same time, the Ents, it must be said, are kind of a disappointment.
但我不得不说,树人真是让人失望,尤其是行进的动作看起来蠢透了,打仗的时候,攻击起来不知为何就是很没说服力。 |
But of those whom this ignorance has been destroyed by the knowledge of the self; that knowledge is like the rising sun illuminated by the Ultimate Truth.
但是对于那些用自我知识摧毁了无知的人,其知识就像被根本真理照亮的冉冉升起的太阳一样放射着光芒。 |
But officials at the Citizenship and Immigration Service point out that the agency receives no federal funds to process applications. Costs are covered entirely by fees charged.
但是公民和移民服务部的工作人员指出,该机构没有任何处理申请的联邦拨款,所以成本都是由收费来弥补的。 |
But officials at the Citizenship and Immigration Service point out that the agency receives no federal funds to process applications. Costsare covered entirely by fees charged.
但是美国公民身份和移民服务的官员指出中介没有得到联邦基金来处理申请。费用完全超过了成本。 |
But officials from the Child Protection in Sports Unit reported Blair to police who then questioned promising fencer Gandolfi about the incident.
但体育联合会的儿童保护组织官员却将布莱尔夫人的行为向警方报了案。警方随后也对小有名气的击剑运动员冈多尔菲询问了事情的经过。 |
But officials say the problem is not enough testing centers worldwide to administer the new Internet-based version.
但有关人员称目前的问题是全球范围内没有足够数量的考试中心来管理基于互联网的考试。 |
But often once you buy a book you feel obligated to read it, even if it is drivel.
但是你可能经常会买回来一本你发现并不喜欢的书。 |