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We call such a transformation constant unfolding.

We call it shot-blasting (sand-blasting). 我们用抛丸(喷沙)的方法。
We call it tandem jump, becasue I don't have license. 我们称它为双人跳伞,因为我没有执照.
We call it the spirit of Aloha. 我们称之为爱的精神。
We call on largely increasing right of basic votes and establishing a stabe mechanism to ensure that it account for a proper quota. 我们号召大幅增加基本投票权,并建立一种稳定机制,使得基本投票权在份额中占据合适的比例。
We call our audience at nights, breathe heavily into the phone and read a sloppily written Script. 我们在晚上打电话给我们的听众,很重地进入电话之内呼吸而且读一个被泼水弄湿书面的手写体。
We call such a transformation constant unfolding. 我们称这种变换为常数展开。
We call such comment as editorials. 他们的新闻评论叫做社评。
We call the man in charge of a section as a foreman. 工厂里负责一个部门的称为工头。
We call the other of the two drivers that every device has the bus driver. 我们称另外一种驱动为:每个设备都有的总线驱动。
We call the process metabolism which changes the food into energy. 把我们所吃的食物转换成能量的过程叫做新陈代谢。
We call these dreams precognitiveor prophetic. 我们称这些梦为“预知的”或“预言的”。

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