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After some crossed signals early last year—not helped by the perception that, as a former Princeton professor, Mr Bernanke was unworldly and lacked Wall Street smarts—financial markets are learning to read him better.

After so much effort on his part, the least you can do is keep the ball rolling. 在他的努力下,你至少可以保持让小球转动。
After so unpleasant a dispute, I think it is necessary for me to leave for a period of time. 发生了这样不愉快的争吵之后,我觉得有必要暂时离开一段时间。
After so unpleasant quarrel,I feel I need to leave a period of time for a while. 发生了这样不愉快的争吵之后,我觉得有必要暂时离开一段时间。
After sobbing, the soldier felt somewhat sober. 哭泣之后,士兵感觉稍微冷静了。
After soil analyses and sorption studies in laboratory, mini-pot experiments sorghum as indicator were carried out in greenhouse, and then treatments in field trials (Table 2) were designed according to valuable findings in greenhouse. 在实验室土壤分析和吸附研究以后,以高粱为指示作物做了温室微盆栽试验,然后根据温室研究结果设计出大田试验处理(表2)。
After some crossed signals early last year—not helped by the perception that, as a former Princeton professor, Mr Bernanke was unworldly and lacked Wall Street smarts—financial markets are learning to read him better. 在去年初发布了几次交叉(令人摸不着头脑的)信号后――这似乎与伯克南清高而缺乏华尔街智慧的前普林斯顿教授形象不符――金融市场开始学着更好的理解他。
After some delay and demur, a door, the old Bailey grudingly turned on its hinges and allowed him to squeeze himself into court. 在一阵耽误和踌躇之后,那门很不情愿地开了一条缝,让杰瑞.克朗彻挤进了法庭。
After some forethought I decided to fly. 经过先前的考虑后我决定要飞翔。
After some hesitant preparations for nearly a decade, the first ever general elections were held in Nepal in 1959, and a democratically elected government was formed. 经过一番近十年充满波折的准备,1959年尼泊尔进行了第一次大选,并建立了一个民主选举出的政府。
After some hesitation I decided to give him this book. 经过犹豫,我决定把这本书送给他。
After some hesitation, she came out with the whole truth. 犹豫了一会,她终于道出了全部真相。

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