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The archives secrecy and utilization are very important, and cannot be biased.

The architecture specialty trains student's personality morally, intelligently physically and aesthetically, train them to grasp architecture basic conception, the design principle of buildings, basic technical ability and design method so as to be qualif 建筑学专业培养学生德、智、体、美的健全人格,掌握建筑学基本概念,掌握建筑设计原理、基本技能和设计方法,具备从事建筑设计工作和注册建筑师的能力;理解建筑与城市、建筑与环境的关系,掌握城市与环境设计的基本原理;了解与建筑学相关的其它学科知识、现行的建筑法规、技术规范和工程建设的程序,初步具备多工种协调的能力;熟悉中外建筑的发展历史、国内外主要建筑流派的基本理论和历史成因,理解建筑与文化的关系,具备一定前瞻知识,能用理论指导实践;具备较强的实践能力、创新能力和创业能力。
The archival management of electronic records is an external demand of our informationized society as well as a necessary measure for the profession of archiving to be involved in modern society. 摘要电子文件的档案化管理是信息化社会的客观需要和档案专业融入现代社会的必然选择。
The archive (tapid30.zip) includes a sample application which dials a user-defined number on the first TAPI device on the system (with the designated device ID 0). 这个文档包含了一个简单的应用程序,使用系统中第一个TAPI服务进行用户定义的拨号功能(其指定的设备ID为0)。
The archive consists of around 150 recordings made over a decade. 图书馆的存案文档包括十多年来录制的大约150盘录音带。
The archives of the Clinton Presidential Library will contain 39,999,998 e-mails by the former president's staff and two by the man himself, the only two he sent, according to Skip Rutherford, president of the Clinton Presidential Foundation, which is rai 在克林顿总统图书馆的档案中将包括39999998封电子邮件,这些邮件绝大多数是这位前总统手下的工作人员的,只有两封是他自己的,这两封也是他发出的仅有的两封,克林顿总统基金会主席斯基波·拉瑟弗德如是说道,目前该基金会正在为建这个图书馆募集资金。
The archives secrecy and utilization are very important, and cannot be biased. 摘要档案的保密与利用两者十分重要,不可偏颇。
The arctic fox has the warmest fur of any mamma, even warmer than the polar bear and arctic wolf. 北极狐有着哺乳动物中最保暖的皮毛,保暖效果甚至比北极熊和北极狼更好。
The arctic fox wool, the Shanxi sheep camel's hair, the angolan rabbit hair, the hair of Nyctereutes Ussurienusis mstscie were researched on the density, the compression performance, the friction performance and the stretch mechanics performance through t 摘要通过对北极狐绒毛、山西羊驼毛、安哥拉兔毛、乌苏里貉绒毛等的密度、卷曲性能、压缩性能、摩擦性能和拉伸力学性能的测试,分析了它们之间的差异。
The ardent hope for the future brought them through all the sufferings during the war. 对未来的响往使他们度过了战争年代的种种苦难。
The are charging the major with instigating revolt. 对于少校的指控是鼓动叛乱。
The are no batteries in the radio. 收音机里没电池。

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