Astronomers say that it is unlikely that it was meteor or shooting star because such phenomena last for only a few minutes at best and the story of Christmas says that the wise men followed the star for weeks.
天文学家都说不太可能是陨石或流星,因为这种现象最多只能维持几分钟,而耶诞节的故事里却说智者跟随了星星好几个礼拜。 |
Astronomers say that the galactic light has been redshifted.
于是天文学家就说星系的光「红移」了。 |
Astronomers say they have found the first conclusive evidence of water outside our own solar system.
天文学家说,他们首次掌握了确凿证据,证明太阳系之外有水的存在。 |
Astronomers see far fewer small galaxies and subgalactic gas clouds than a simple extrapolation from clusters would imply.
目前天文学家所观测到的小星系和次星系气体云,其数目远小于他们从星系团所推估出的数目。 |
Astronomers suspect that our Hubble volume has at least 1020 habitable planets; some might well look like Earth.
天文学家猜测,在我们的哈伯体积之中,至少有1020颗适合居住的行星;其中有些看起来可能根本和地球没有两样。 |
Astronomers used to detect them by indirect methods, such as picking up a small wobble in the position of the star that indicated it was being pulled very slightly towards an orbiting planet.
天文学家过去常用间接方法探测这类物体,如在恒星周围某一点,探测到一丝“抖动”,这表明围绕恒星运转的行星正将其轻轻拉走。 |
Astronomers used to think that the universe was geocentric.
天文学家过去认为地球是世界的中心。 |
Astronomers using ground-based telescopes first spied drastic atmospheric transformation in the 1980s.
天文学家最早在上世纪八十年代利用地基望远镜发现大气激烈的转变。 |
Astronomers voted on August 24 to create the first scientific definition of the word planet, and Pluto obviously didn't make the cut. It turned out to be only a dwarf planet.
译:8月24日,经过天王学家们投票决定,“行星”一词第一次有了科学定义,显然冥王星无以幸免。它成为了唯一一颗“矮行星”。 |
Astronomers, historians and others are upset about the prospect of losing the leap second and have initiated a spirited debate to keep time tied to the earth's rotation.
天文学家、历史学家及其它许多学者,皆对于往后即将废除润秒感到苦恼,并且对于时间配合地球自转的议题,展开热烈的讨论。 |
Astronomical evidence cited in the Mahabharata place the incidents upon which the Gita is based in the year 3137 BCE, while the Puranas suggest a date of c. 1924 BCE.
《摩诃婆罗多》引用的庞大得无法估计的证据把博伽梵歌发性的事件放置在公元前3137年,而宇宙古史就暗示了公元前1924年的日子。 |