PassLock will catalog important information such as credit cards, bank accounts, etc. The primary focus of the program is to be secure, reliable, and light weight.
这是个对重要信息如信用卡、银行账户等进行分类的工具,其主要特点是安全、可靠和轻量级。 |
Passage 2 The Meaning of Life?
生命的意义是什么? |
Passage 31 Why Is There Inflation?
为什么会出现通货膨胀? |
Passage 32 Can Stress Make You Sick?
压力会使你生病吗? |
Passage 76 What Is Multimedia,Anyway?
究竟什么是多媒体? |
Passage 79 Why the Doctor Wears Mask?
为什么医生要戴口罩? |
Passages, photos, travel notes, …it's up to you.
文章、照片、游记都可以。 |
Passbook of time deposits is a method of deposit where by lump-sum deposit and withdrawal time deposits in multiple currencies and maturities are handled in a single passbook.
定期一本通是在一个存折上办理多种货币和多种期限的整存整取定期储蓄存款的一种存款方式。 |
Passed ISO9001 quality management system authentication in 2001.
二00一年通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证。 |
Passed ISO9001-2000 edition quality to manage systematic attestation again in December 2002.
2002年12月又通过了ISO9001-2000版质量管理体系认证。 |
Passed by Qinong Zhong, I saw the continuous big mountains in the remote places, I became excited, as last I found the actual mountains, although these are more smaller than Si Chuan or Tibet's mountains, but to me, an experienceless child, especially aft
过了琼中,远远就望见连绵的“大山”,首先让人兴奋,终于看见一点像样的山了,虽然这与四川或西藏的山根本不在一个层次,但对于没见过世面的孩子,尤其在经历了几天平淡的骑行后,确实有点兴奋,平坦的水泥路面,蜿蜒着青山而上,消失在群山之中,不禁让人浮想翻过这山又有什么。 |