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Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, known for his hard line on North Korea, has said he would not provide any aid under the US-backed six-nation deal until North Korea resolves a row over its kidnapping of Japanese citizens.

Japanese Guandong military police was Japan's tool to invade the northeast peoples, in particular the people in Liaoning and the military suppression to the peoples opposition to Japanese armed forces and execute the Fascist colonial rule in the period fr 摘要日本关东宪兵队是日俄战争至抗日战争期间,日本侵略者对东北人民,尤其是辽宁人民和抗日武装力量施行法西斯殖民统治和血腥镇压的暴力工具。
Japanese Identity: Homogeneity or Difference? 8日本人的特性:同质性或是特异性?
Japanese Lefts' negation of its justice and impartiality called the attention of Chinese and people of the Asian nations. 日本右冀势力及其政客否定东京审判的正义性、公正性的言行,引起中国和亚洲各国人民的严重关切。
Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa has ordered his cabinet to devise an emergency trade plan to avert possible US trade sanctions. 日本首相细川户熙命令他的内阁制定一项紧急贸易措施以避免可能来自美国的贸易制裁。
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a landmark visit to China last October. 日本首相于去年10月份对中国进行历史性访问。
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, known for his hard line on North Korea, has said he would not provide any aid under the US-backed six-nation deal until North Korea resolves a row over its kidnapping of Japanese citizens. 以对朝鲜强硬态度而闻名的日本首相安倍晋三表示在朝鲜解决日本人质问题前不会对朝鲜援助。
Japanese Princess Sayako, the emperor's only daughter, was greeted by thousands of well-wishers as she prepared to marry a commoner at age 36 and leave the world's oldest monarchy. 明仁天皇惟一的小女儿、现年36岁的纪宫公主今天将下嫁给一位平民,从此离开这个世界上最古老的皇室家族,成千上万祝福者前来向她表示问候和祝愿。
Japanese Soldier: Are you righteous? 你很正直吗?
Japanese Yen Recent economic data suggests that Japan may be on the verge of tipping into a recession. 日元最近的经济数字显示日本也许已濒临进入衰退。
Japanese and North Korean officials also met in Vietnam this week to discuss normalizing ties, but those talks broke down Thursday. 日本和北韩官员这个星期也在越南会晤,讨论关系正常化问题,但是谈判星期四破裂。
Japanese automobiles used to corner American markets, in that there cars economize on fuel. 日本的机动车就曾一度垄断过美国市场,因为它省油。

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