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Identification and Quantitation of Ceramides in Yeast Yarrowia lipolitica

Application of Generalized Hidden Markov Model in Gene Finding 广义隐Markov模型在基因识别中的应用
Prediction of Transmembrane Segments Based on Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Amino Acids 基于氨基酸模糊聚类分析的跨膜区域预测
A Probe into the Significance of the Assessment of the Economic Value of Biodiversity 浅析生物多样性经济价值评估的意义
Study DNA with a nanopore 利用纳米孔研究DNA
Vegetation diversity of wild Chinese alligator(Alligator sinensis) habitats 野生扬子鳄栖息地植被多样性
Identification and Quantitation of Ceramides in Yeast Yarrowia lipolitica 解脂假丝酵母中神经酰胺的鉴别和定量分析
Studies on 3 Isoenzymes Activities of Cytochrome P-450 in Rat Liver Microsomes 大鼠肝脏微粒体中3种细胞色素P-450同工酶活性研究
The Study on Utilization of N Sources by Antradia comphora 樟芝对氮素营养源利用的研究
On the Biology of Onychodactylus fischeri Found in Xiuyan Co.,and Protection of Its Habitat 岫岩县爪鲵生物学及其栖息地的保护
Optimization of cold-adapted protease fermentation by benthal psychrotrophic Pseudoaltermonas sp. SM9913 深海适冷假交替单孢菌Pseudoaltermonas sp.SM9913产适冷蛋白酶的条件优化
Conditions for Cultivating Applicable Bacillus Natto 应用型纳豆菌培养条件的实验研究

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