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As economy is declining, jobs available to the laid-off workers continued to be scarce.

As early in the Rotary year as possible, preferably before 15 November. 地区扶轮基金研讨会应该在扶轮年度内尽早举行,最好在11月15日之前。
As earth enters the photon belt in full, time will cease, and all shall enter an ongoing state of timelessness. 当地球完全进入光子带,则时间将停止,万物进入无时间的永恒状态。
As earth gathered up these records, the violence subsided as there were no additional black hole dreams to call more terrorism into the region since. 只有当地球收集起这些记录后暴力才平息,因为不再有更多的黑洞噩梦在这些地区召唤出恐怖主义活动。
As economical and effective measures to ensure the construction quality, prime coat and slurry seal have been used widely in the highway construction. 摘要公路透层、稀浆封层技术作为一种经济有效的预防性技术手段在高速公路建设中被推广应用。
As economies have grown richer, they have increased the proportion of consumption of goods and, particularly, services—medical services being a conspicuous example—with high transaction cost. 随着经济的繁荣,他们已经加大的产品的特别是服务的比重(医疗服务是个明显的例子),并带有高昂的交易费用。
As economy is declining, jobs available to the laid-off workers continued to be scarce. 随着经济的衰退,下岗工人可以得到的工作(岗位)依然不多。
As educational structure has undergone great changes, undergraduate education in our country must be reconstructed. 在教育结构已经发生了较大变化的情形下,必须重建我国大学本科教育。
As election day neared, Frank Holt refused to answer his attacks, or the attacks from other candidates, who assumed he was way ahead and also began to hit him for being the “old-guard machine” candidate. 因为选举日期将至,弗兰克·霍尔特拒绝回应来自他和自其他候选人的攻击,这些候选人预想他一定遥遥领先,并且因为他是“保守势力的机器”候选人而对他进行攻击。
As electronic transactions have become more ingrained in economic life, so too has the expectation among cardholders that their point-of-sale swipe will lead to a rapid and successful conclusion of their transaction. 电子交易在经济社会中已经根深蒂固,因此电子交易卡持有者们期望销售终端会给他们带来快捷成功的交易。
As elsewhere, China's growing commercial force is penetrating the remote lands beyond its western border. 和其他地方一样,中国的成长中的商业力量正从她的西部边境穿透过遥远的土地。
As elsewhere, the Khmer team envisions providing the software to both private and government users. 像其他国家一样,谷美尔人的开发队伍也预备同时向私人和政府用户提供软件。

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