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He has been studying English for five years, but he can't even read a newspaper.

He has been spreading false stories in an attempt to smear us. 他一直在散布谎言企图诽谤我们。
He has been steadily busy ever since. 从那时起,拉巴萨一直很忙。
He has been steadily consolidating his power since the coup. 自从政变以来,他一直在稳稳地巩固他的权力。
He has been struggling for Tibetan autonomy since then. 从那以后,他一直为争取西藏的自治而抗争。
He has been struggling with illness for years. 他与疾病搏斗了许多年。
He has been studying English for five years, but he can't even read a newspaper. 他学英文已经有五年了,可是连报纸都看不懂。
He has been sworn to secrecy about this. 他已经发誓对这件事保密。
He has been the author or co-author of approximately 200 papers and articles, the majority of which focusing on different aspects of diabetes and endocrinology. 他曾以著者或合著者的身份发表关于糖尿病、内分泌学的不同方面的文章和论文200余篇。
He has been the bane of my life. 他是我一生的祸根。
He has been the head janitor in our school for ten years. 他在我们学校当了二十年的清洁员工头。
He has been the subject of £17million and £18million bids from Chelsea already this summer, but Lyon are holding out for £30million, and the stalemate has left Essien frustrated. 这个夏天切尔西已经对他发出过1千7百万和1千8百万英镑的出价,但里昂一直坚持要价3千万英镑。持续的僵局已经让埃辛感到苦恼。

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