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In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: “You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest.

In the middle of the room stood a long table of plain boards placed on trestles, with benches down each side. 厨房正中,立着一张架在支架上不曾上漆的木板长桌,两边摆着长凳。
In the middle of the yard was a water pump where the four little girls pumped water for cooking, cleaning and watering the garden. 院中央的是个水泵,小女孩们就在这里泵水用来做饭、打扫卫生、灌溉花园。
In the midseason, enjoy nearly a month of potato blooms in shades of blue, lavender, purple, pink and white. 有机土豆开花美食节是集独特的马铃薯品种选择、特殊迎宾美容篆.在旺季,享受近一个月的土豆蓝色浓淡、薰衣草、紫色、白色、粉红色.
In the midst of another record-setting fire season, maybe its time for the fire service to take the interface battle to legislators and insurers. 这又一次创纪录的火灾季节,也许又到了消防服务部门与立法者和保险公司进行界面战的时候了。
In the midst of the chaos which followed the shooting, the gunman escaped. 在枪击后的混乱中,枪手脱逃了。
In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: “You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. 在一片喧嚣声中,雨开始说话了:“你们这些愚蠢的颜色,彼此相互争斗,每个人都想支配别人。
In the midst of these puddles, the danger over and the room growing frigid, stood Mr. and Mrs.Wainwright with their arms around each other, laughing and commiserating. 危险过去,屋内冷若寒冰,温赖特夫妇手挽着手站在泥潭般的屋子中央,笑着相互怜悯。
In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake. 在彻底的破坏与混乱之中,有位父亲将他的妻子在家里安顿好后,跑到他儿子就读的学校,而触目所见,却是被夷为平地的校园。
In the midwestern states there is a high incidence of cow rabies from exposure to skunks. 在美国的中西部,一个高的范围,母牛通过臭鼬染上病毒。
In the military, Harry is known by the surname Wales and by his rank in the Blues and Royals — that of cornet, equivalent to a second lieutenant. 在军队,哈里王子以威尔士及其在皇家骑兵卫队—皇家海军陆战队装甲团的相当于第二中尉的军衔被人们知晓。
In the minds of the working people, the most needed reform was the abolition of imprisonment for debt. 对于劳动者来说,最必要的改革是废除因债务而坐牢的制度。

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