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When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard.

When are you going to get off it? 你什么时候才可以不必再说了?
When bell knells, when banshee wails ; you know, the time is come. 「丧钟敲响,女妖嚎哭;你知道,大限到了。」
When do you go up to your university?Next week, all the students go up then. 你什么时候去上大学?下周,所有的学生都是那时去。
When everything was going wrong with the red cards, he realised I wasn't perfect. Talking to him helped me and his door is always open,revealed the French international. 当红牌把事情搞得一团糟时,温格意识到我不是个完美的队员。和他交谈对我很有帮助,他的大门总是打开的。’这位法国国家队队员透露道。
When he came back into the dressing room, we were all very happy to see him again. “当他回到更衣室时,我们都很高兴能再一次见到他。”
When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard. 太20:2和工人讲定、一天一钱银子、就打发他们进葡萄园去。
When he later studied abroad, he hardly had any problems with his vocabulary,the newspaper said. 此后出国学习期间,他在词汇方面几乎未遇到任何问题,该报评论道。
When he raises himself up, the mighty fear; Because of the crashing they are bewildered. 伯41:25他一起来、勇士都惊恐.心里慌乱、便都昏迷。
When he was made, the mold was broke,said Pete. “模子在造出他后就破掉了。”彼行说。
When he works with Chelsea during the week he will play better. “这周,他在切尔西的赛事里,他将会踢得更好。”
When it comes to it, what does television provide? “说到电视,它能给我们带来什么?

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