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This paper discussed the material of equipmen t which was used to prepare diethyl oxalate by CO coupling-regeneration reactio n wi th the method of weight.The seven kinds of metal material,such as 306,314L,316L ,Zr,Ti(2),Ti(10),1Cr18Ni9Ti and one kind non

This paper discussed the concrete methods based on the understanding or two-way interactive. 文中就如何正确理解“双向互动”的同时,提出具体实施“互动”教学模式的主要措施。
This paper discussed the connotation and practice of human oriented principle in hospital culture construction. 本文主要结合实际,论述了医院文化的人本理念内涵及实践。
This paper discussed the establishment of ISO14001 system in municipal community in so far as its significance, procedure and characteristics. 摘要阐述了街道/社区引入ISO14001环境管理体系的意义、程序和特征。
This paper discussed the geological character istics of Hongshibao landslide in detail, analysed the stability of the slope, and proplsed the treatment scheme of the slope body. 本文对滑坡地质特徵进行了详细的阐述,通过稳定性分析、深层滑移稳定性分区,优化滑坡整治方案,完善综合治理措施,提高斜坡的整体稳定性。
This paper discussed the interference and noise of medical electronic device and their generation, hazard, depression and application, of which some ones are pointed out for the first time. 摘要介绍了医用电子仪器中的干扰与噪声的产生、危害、抑制及其应用,其中有的干扰与噪声是首次提出的。
This paper discussed the material of equipmen t which was used to prepare diethyl oxalate by CO coupling-regeneration reactio n wi th the method of weight.The seven kinds of metal material,such as 306,314L,316L ,Zr,Ti(2),Ti(10),1Cr18Ni9Ti and one kind non 进一步认识发展散装水泥的重要性和紧迫性发展散装水泥是一项节约资源,保护环境的重要经济技术措施,具有良好的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益.据测算,每使用1万吨散装水泥与袋装水泥相比,可节约木材330立方米、电7.2万度、烧碱22吨、煤78吨、棉线约4吨、减少水泥损失450吨.我国目前是世界第一水泥生产大国,年产水泥5亿多吨,而散装率不到20%,这远不能适应社会和经济的发展.为此国家提出了限制袋装、鼓励散装的发展方针.
This paper discussed the metabolic pathway of soya iso-flavone in human body.The pharmacology function of soya iso-flavone was also reviewed in anti-cancer,inhibiting osteoporosis,alternating therapy of female hormone,and preventing cardiovascular disease 论述了大豆异黄酮在人体中的代谢途径及其抗癌,抑制骨质疏松,雌激素替代治疗,防治心血管疾病的作用与药理,为异黄酮的开发利用及在其他豆科作物中的应用提供借鉴。
This paper discussed the model system studies related to the pathway of flavor formation from their individual precursors in thermal reaction savory flavor and the achievement and potent of commercial production of some new natural flavors baaed on the kn 摘要本文概述了热反应咸味香料中,由前体生成香成分的模型体系研究,以及将模型体系知识用于商业化生产新天然香料方面的进展和潜力。
This paper discussed the new producing craft of ink roll cleaner, tough experimental, it showed that this product is not only fit for the clean of press ink roll, but also fit for all cooking utensils and installation with greasy dirt, such as fume extrac 摘要介绍了墨辘清洁剂的生产新工艺,并通过试验说明它不仅适用于印刷机墨辘的清洁,还可广泛地用于抽油烟机、排气扇等各种被油污厨具和设备的清洁。
This paper discussed the significance of research on the cost and efficiency problem in modern distance education at elementary and secondary schools in rural areas,and reviewed the related research conducted home and abroad.Then it put forward a basic fr 阐述了农村中小学现代远程教育成本效益问题研究的意义,介绍了国内外与远程教育成本效益问题相关的研究成果,提出了农村中小学现代远程教育成本效益问题研究的基本框架。
This paper discussed the status of domestic and international process technology and equipment of wooden stair handrail elbow, and put forward the developing direction on process technology of wooden stair handrail elbow will toward to numerical control, 摘要在论述目前国内外木制楼梯扶手弯头加工技术与设备发展现状的基础上,提出了木制楼梯扶手弯头加工技术应朝着数控化、规模化、柔性化的方向发展。

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