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Wiring and connections comply with all applicable codes.

Wireless networks have many uses. 无线网络有很多用处。
Wireless telegraphy, the phonograph and the radio are based on this law. 无线电报,留声机和无线电广播都基于这个法则。
Wires are widely used in wiring a variety of equipment, including automobiles, electric home appliances. 新盟和全自动打端子机广泛应用于汽车、家电、手机和笔记本电脑等各种线束的加工。
Wires run from the actuators to a power supply. 启动器电线接到电源上。
Wires running from the tester interface to the probes carry test signals back and forth. 连接测试设备和探针的导线来回的传递测试信号。
Wiring and connections comply with all applicable codes. 电线和连接应该符合所有有关规定。
Wiring is enclosed in approved conduit (if required by local codes). 电线包裹在经过认可的导管内(如果当地有关规定要求的话)。
Wirth, Louis. Urbanism as a Way of Life.American Journal of Sociology (July 1938): 1-24. 都市居民的生活方式〉,刊于《美国社会学期刊》1938年7月号:第1~24页。
Wisconsin Naturalization Records - The Wisconsin Historical Society describes how to obtain naturalization records. 威斯康星入籍记录威斯康星州历史协会介绍如何获得入籍的纪录.
Wisconsin accounted for 29 illnesses, about one-third of the cases, including the lone death. 威斯康星州有29例患者,占了所有患者的1/3,还包括唯一的一例死亡病例。
Wisconsin and Georgia are the latest 4)battlegrounds. 威斯康辛州及乔治亚州是目前最新的战场。

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