Mainland China is the People's Republic of China.
中华民国是台湾自认的正式名字。 |
Mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, the Philippine Islands, and other subtropical areas.
台湾﹐中国大陆﹐韩国﹐日本﹐菲律宾等亚洲热带地区。 |
Mainland authorities have been asked to help trace the source of almost 32,000 bottles of fake bird's nest products grabbed by Hong Kong customs officers.
香港海关破获32,000瓶假燕窝,并请内地政府部门协助追查该些查品的来源。 |
Mainland media reported the sacking but no further details.
大陆媒体报道了刘的落马,但没有提供进一步细节。 |
Mainland parents and students arrive at the HKIEd campus.
内地家长与同学大清早浩浩荡荡抵达教院。 |
Mainland provincial quarantine authorities were put on alert two months ago about the ant infestation.
内地的检疫部门两个月前留意到(红火)蚁大批出没/发生蚁患。 |
Mainland students are eager to study at HKIEd.
内地高考生对教院的学习生活充满憧憬。 |
Mainland-backed stocks maintained their decline, with the H-share index falling 5.36 per cent on the prospect of further economic austerity measures.
市场忧虑内地将推出进一步的宏观调控措施,导致国企股持续下跌,H股指数下跌百分之5.36。 |
Mainland-related shares also traded negatively.
红筹股亦受沽压。 |
Mainly Aimed at 2D Applications (GUI perhaps, Platform Game etc.).
主要的目的是2D应用程序(或许有GUI,平台游戏,等等)。 |
Mainly Feature: Use induction motor, so that the handy Circular Saw come true table Circular Saw's function.
主要特征:由于采用感应电机,使手持式圆锯真正实现台式圆锯的性能。 |