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I tried hard to swallow my doubts.

I tried a sauna at the local YMCA to compare. 我到附近YMCA的桑拿做比较。
I tried again and again, but failed again and again. 我一次一次的追求,一次一次的又失掉了。
I tried doing exercise but failed to get trim. 我曾经尝试做运动减肥,但结果大腿愈做愈粗,效果不大理想。
I tried every treatment the doctor suggested. 我试遍了医生建议的每一种疗法。
I tried hard to keep my head above water. 我好容易才免于灭顶之灾。
I tried hard to swallow my doubts. 我强忍着不露出怀疑的神色。
I tried my hand at swimming, though it was the first time I 'd been in the water. 那是我第一次下水,但我总算是尝试过游泳了。
I tried opportunity after opportunity, scam after scam, UNTIL... 我以后有机会尝试机会,诈骗陷阱后,直到::
I tried plastering a wall yesterday and made a total mess of it; now I'll have to call in an expert, which just proves that it is very man to his trade. 昨天我试着泥墙,但搞得一塌糊涂,现在我得去请个行家来干,这正说明各人各有的特长。
I tried plastering a wall yesterday and made a total mess of it; now I'll have to call in an expert, which just proves that it is very man to his trade. 昨天我试著泥墙,但搞得一塌糊涂,现在我得去请个行家来干,这正说明各人各有的特长。
I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn't get through (to you). 昨天我给你打了几次电话, 可是都没(和你)接通.

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