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75 lease proceed with your presentation.

749 We can offer door-to-door delivery services. 我们可提供送货上门服务。
74O. I came in answer to your advertisement for a salesperson. 我是来应征贵公司所招聘的售货员一职的。
75 Please proceed with your presentation. 请开始你的简报。
75 Will the flight be canceled? 这班机会被取消吗?
75 coins only, deal?” Kant tries his best to be as shameless as he can. Disgusted by his manner, the landlady tears the sleeves of the clothes down, “deal! 对不起不是我算数不好我就只有75你收不收吧。”康德摆出一副大无畏的无赖嘴脸。老板娘看了看康德,把布衣的袖子扯下来后把装备扔给康德说:“这样75就能买到了。”
75 lease proceed with your presentation. 请开始你的简报。
75 pts. Approx. 5-10 pages. Choice of 2-3 topics. Unsatisfactory papers will be returned for rewriting. 75分。要求大约5-10页。从2-3个主题中选择,主题在上课时公布。不合格的论文将发回重写。
751 Please find enclosed our current catalogue and price-list quoting CIF New York. 随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF纽约报价单。
754 Here is a price list together with a booklet illustrating our products. 这儿有一份价目单和介绍说明我方产品的小册子。
755 All our garments are now poly-cotton, which is stronger, needs little ironing, and allows variations in patterns. 现在我们的服装都是涤棉料的,质地坚韧,不用熨烫并且花样繁多。
757 I hope we can conclude the transaction at this price. 希望我们能就此价格达成交易。

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