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With so many breeds of dogs popular for so many thousands of years, one would think there would be an abundance of transitional fossils providing paleontologists with copious data from which to reconstruct their evolutionary ancestry.

With slightly less talented passers, switch to direct, high tempo passing and play down the channels. 如果较少天才传球手,切换战术为直接,快速传球和边路活动。
With slogans like Nothing will ever come between me and my jeansmany people join to create the jeans fashion today. 在我同我的牛仔裤难舍难分等宣传口号的感召下,许多人一起共同创造了今天的牛仔服热潮。
With small flowers between. 小花掺杂其间。
With smooth and oil-free texture and unique PCL repair factors, night repair cream can enter into the repair cells in deep skin continuously, provide sufficient moisture, nutrients and whitening care for skin for the whole night, eliminate the melanin acc 质地丰润而不油腻的夜间修护霜,独含PCL修复因子,能持续进入皮肤深层修复细胞,提供肌肤一整晚的密集补充水分养分与美白护理,重度消除岁月所累积的黑色素,有效淡化色斑,净化肌肤,使肌肤尽现细致亮丽的光彩。
With snow drifted high under gray skies and temperatures dropping below zero, we longed for spring and wondered if it would ever arrive. 当雪花从灰色的高天飘落,气温骤降至零度以下,我们期盼春天来到,并且怀疑它是否永远不会再来了。
With so many breeds of dogs popular for so many thousands of years, one would think there would be an abundance of transitional fossils providing paleontologists with copious data from which to reconstruct their evolutionary ancestry. 千万年来,狗的繁衍极为广泛,照理说会有大量过渡化石让古生物学家取得丰富的资料,以重建狗的演化谱系。
With so many paths, it only means there are more ways to find our destination. 有这么多路,正说明我们有更多的道路可选择,一定能找到魔法师。
With so many time zones, different railroad lines were sometimes on different time systems, and scheduling remained confusing and uncertain. 但是因为不同的火车路线有时候是根据不同的时间系统来运行,因此这麽多个时区反而也成为让人困扰的问题。
With so much map to play with, there's no reason that giant units can't loom over the smaller ones. 在这么大的地图上,没有理由大单位不会盖在小单位上面。
With so much money about him ,the passenger couldn't sleep on the train . 由于有重金在身,乘客不敢在火车上打瞌睡。
With so much money sloshing around the art world, it's not just cynical realists who worry that the market is overheating. 随着如此巨大数额的金钱在艺术市场搅动,不仅仅是愤世嫉俗的现实主义者开始担忧这个市场是否已经过热。

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