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“The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, so too the male dormitory to the female students.

“The facilities, profession and service of the resort include a group of well-known medical doctors to provide health management consultancy and even provide a special gene check-up, if necessary, to be used as a base to plan a 3-day to one week of health 自然美的创始者蔡燕萍说:「养生馆的设施有知名的医学团队,先做谘询健康管理,必要时有特别的基因体检,再根据体质状况,规划3天到一星期的养身保健生活方式及教育体验,满足我们五感的享受,包括触觉、视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉。
“The facility is to provide high enthalpy [thermal dynamic] model scramjet testing,” he says. “该实验室将提供高焓值[热动力学]模型超燃冲压发动机测试,”他说。
“The fact that Vodafone McLaren Mercedes was in possession of such information was discovered totally by accident and, but for this, the team would continue to have it. 实际上,沃达丰麦凯伦奔驰车队是被无意中发现掌握该信息,而且可以持续掌握而不被处罚。
“The fact that they stayed is yet another stimulus for us, as we want to give our all from a professional point of view to repay them. “事实上他们的留守已经是对我们的又一个激励了,同样我们希望我们能达到一个高水平的位置来报答他们。
“The facts are that the first blue print on prediction research was not assembled until the mid 1960's and that blue print was not followed. “事实是,关于地震预测研究的头一个兰本直到六十年代中期尚未准备好,而且这个兰本根本没有执行。
“The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, so too the male dormitory to the female students. “女生宿舍将全面谢绝男生的光顾,男生宿舍也同样不得进入女生。”
“The film industry is a giant engine of economic growth, employing more than seven hundred and fifty thousand people boasting a surplus balance of trade with every single country in the world.”The attendees here met a small group as well as informal sympo “电影业是一个经济增长的巨大引擎,它能在世界上的每个独立国家建立过剩的国际贸易平衡,并且能雇用超过750000的员工.”参加者在这里会见了一些小的组织和做了一些非正式的座谈会.包括电影制作者,立法者,电影艺术学院学生和其他世界上的相关产业的人事.
“The first argument is that the Earth is in a state of self-organized criticality (SOC), everywhere near the rupture point, so that earthquakes of any size can occur randomly anywhere at any time. “第一项论据基于,认为‘地球’处于一种‘自组成临界性’〔SOC〕,所有处临近即将破裂点,使任何大小的地震能够随意地在任何地方在任何时间发生。”
“The first time I ever saw him, I had no idea who Michael Jordan was. I was helping to coach the Laney varsity,” said Ron Coley. (罗·康利说:“我一直帮忙在兰尼的运动队做教教练,当我第一次看到迈克尔·乔丹时,还不知道他是谁。)
“The focus of this year is in the Green seedling.” She told me. 今年的工作重心,是在绿苗。她说。
“The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty” (George Mason). “出版自由是自由最有力的保障之一”(乔治·梅森)。

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