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Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine.

Many centuries have passed since that time. 从那时起,几百年过去了。
Many changes have happened in our country since liberation. 解放以来,我国发生了很多变化。
Many changes have taken place since then. 自那以来,发生了许多变化。
Many characteristics of internet language implicate post-modern values and cultural connotations. 摘要网络语言的许多特点暗合了后现代的价值观念和文化内涵。
Many characters in Bal-zac's Human Comedyfigure in more than one novel or story. 巴尔扎克所著<人间喜剧>中的许多人物在不止一部小说中出现。
Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. 许多慈善团体捐款赈济饥民.
Many children act in TV shows. 有许多孩子在电视节目中进行表演。
Many children also suffer from worms. 许多孩子都遭受蠕虫的危害。
Many children and adults find themselves skipping breakfast to get going early or to get that extra ten minutes in bed. 许多成人和青少年常常不吃早餐,只为了能早一点上班或上学,甚至是为了能在订上多躺十分钟。
Many children are afraid of staying alone in the dark. 5许多孩子害怕单独呆在黑暗的地方.
Many children are afraid of thunder and lightning . 许多孩子都怕打雷和闪电。

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