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Angelfish are an easy-to-keep cichlid species. They should not be kept with neons or cardinal tetras, though, as these tetras are a delicacy for the larger angelfish!

Angela: So what do you want then? 安淇拉:那你想要什么?
Angela: Well, hi, Stan! Happy Valentine's Day! 安琪拉:嗨!史丹!情人节快乐!
Angela: What did you say? How do you know that? 安淇拉:你刚才说什么?你是怎么知道的?
Angela: You don't have to lie. Go ahead and say it. Or you could just force me. Beat me up like he always did. 安淇拉:你不需要骗我。说出你想说的吧。或者你只想强迫我。象他一样打我。
Angela: You said your wife Mary was dead, right? 安淇拉:你说你妻子玛丽已经死了,对吗?
Angelfish are an easy-to-keep cichlid species. They should not be kept with neons or cardinal tetras, though, as these tetras are a delicacy for the larger angelfish! 神仙鱼是易于饲养的慈鲷科鱼种。但是不应将它们与霓虹灯或红莲灯一起饲养,因为这些灯科鱼对体型较大的神仙鱼来说是一种美味佳肴。
Angelica Bell: I don't remember where I came from. 安吉丽克·贝尔:我不记得自己从哪里来了。
Angelica Bell: What happens when we die? 安吉丽克·贝尔:我们死后会发生什么?
Angelica Bell: What were you thinking about? 安吉丽克·贝尔:你在说什么?
Angelina Jolie is the gold standard of beauty among women seeking cosmetic surgery and that's not about to change, a leading Hollywood surgeon has told Australian specialists. 好莱坞一位著名外科医生日前告诉澳大利亚的整形专家,安吉丽娜·茱丽是那些想做整容手术的女性心目中的美人标准,而且这一标准不会改变。
Angelina adopted Maddox when he was just seven months old, after she visited a Cambodian orphanage while shooting her film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in 2002. 2002年,安吉莉娜在柬埔寨拍摄电影《古墓丽影》时,访问了当地的一家孤儿院,之后,她便收养了当时只有七个月大的马德克斯。

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