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What if I tooka fairy tale, Cinderella?

What if I don't like the new realm? Am I stuck there? 如果老子觉得新的服务器都不好呢?
What if I lost his location? 要是我跟丢了目标怎么办?
What if I need to work with more than one table simultaneously? 万一我需要同时操作一个以上的数据表该怎么办?
What if I overdraw? 如果透支了怎么办?
What if I took a fairy tale, Cinderella? 为什么我不选童话灰姑娘呢?
What if I tooka fairy tale, Cinderella? 我们在开始时用读者的本国语。
What if I wanted to go with you? 假如我和你们一块去?
What if I were to go to Gotama the contemplative to obscure his vision? 我这就去乔达摩行者那里,把他弄迷糊怎麽样呢?」
What if Master Yoda's feelings are correct,and count Dooku was merely the apprentice to the sith lord? 但是如果尤达大师的感觉是正确的,那么杜库伯爵只是西斯勋爵的徒弟?
What if Plato made up the story for mythic purposes? 如果柏拉图所写的只是个神话故事呢?
What if a chance to nip a global influenza pandemic in the bud meant sending national stockpiles of antiviral drugs to Asia where a deadly new flu strain was said to be emerging? 如果想对全球流行性感冒防患于未然,是否就得把各国储备的抗病毒药物输往即将出现致命新病毒的亚洲?

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