It checks for grammatical and morphological meaning and grasps the factual content.
左大脑半球会检视文法与形态意义,掌握文字的实质内容。 |
It cited a recent study by the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council that found a growing number of Taiwan\'s IC designers are having their chips fabricated on the mainland to avoid a Chinese value-added tax on chip imports.
它援引米台商务处的研究说越来越多的台湾芯片设计商把他们的芯片在大陆制造以规避中国政府在芯片进口上征收的高额附加税。 |
It cited a study published in 2002 in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association that found in 1955, a single order of fries weighed 2.4 ounces, compared to 7.1 ounces now.
该报告列举了《美国饮食协会杂志》在2002发表的一项调查结果:在1955年,一份薯条重2.4盎司,而现在重7.1盎司。 |
It cites the rise in video links to nurseries and the popularity of tracking technology, which enables parents to keep tabs on the nanny or childminder, as evidence that parenting is being professionalised.
这份报告称,托儿所的视频使用大量增加,而使父母监视保姆或照看孩子者的追踪技术也日益流行,这些都证明了父母对子女的养育正变得“专业化”。 |
It claimed that he had exceeded his negotiating mandate, a charge the commission denies.
法国农业部声称曼德尔森已超出了他的谈判授权,而欧盟委员会否认该指控。 |
It claimed the taking was for public use, but it was public in only the most tenuous sense.
该县声称征用是为了公共利用,但其“公共”的性质实在牵强附会。 |
It claims that more than 250 foreign militants, almost all Uzbeks, have been killed by resentful locals fed up with violence and religious extremism.
据称有超过250名外国武装分子被信奉暴力的当地宗教极端分子打死,其中大部分是乌兹别克斯坦人。 |
It cleans thoroughly without striping your natural protective oil.
它能彻底清洁你的皮肤,又不会去保护表皮的天然的油分。 |
It cleans your hair gent ly w ithout harsh lyst ripp ing off all the essent ial o ils o r leaving any st range onesbeh ind.
它(洗发精)把您的头发轻柔地洗得干干净净,而又不让所有的香精通通洗掉,也不留下任何异样的油类。 |
It climbed on to the pavement and crashed into that post.
它开到人行道上,撞到了那根杆子。 |
It climbed out of the box and hid under the dish.
它从盒子里爬出来并藏在盘子下面。 |