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And although GDP growth for 2005 has lately been revised down (from 2.6% to 1.9%), it is thanks only to exports and capital investment that the economy has continued to expand since the recovery got under way in 2002.

And also, for improving the storage space, we could narrow the distance between racking and use special forklifts to install vertical racking, named very narrow aisle racking system. 此外,为提高空间利用率,可将通道宽度缩小,配合特殊堆高机循轨道行驶,使储存空间垂直化,即成为窄巷道式货架。
And also, please bring along all your kith and kin to learn English together, to be hospitable hosts together, and to welcome friends from all over the world in a high spirit. 带动家人和亲朋好友共同学习英语,当好08年奥运的主人翁,以良好的精神风貌,迎接来自世界各国的朋友。
And also, the advantages and disadvantages of two methods are compared whereby providing a certain reference for the practical application. 在此基础上分别对自适应转速辨识法和直接计算转速辨识法进行了仿真研究,并比较了两种方法的优缺点,为实践应用提供了一定的参考。
And although Asimov's “positronic” brains do not exist, positrons are indeed used to probe human brains in positron-emission tomography (PET) scanning. 虽然阿西莫夫虚构的“正电子”大脑并不存在,但是正电子理论确确实实被应用于正电子衍射成像(PET)扫描技术上用来探索人类大脑。
And although China is secretive about its food aid to North Korea, WFP officials believe shipments have fallen sharply this year. 虽然中国对其给予朝鲜的食品援助守口如瓶,但WFP官员确信,今年的货物输送量已经锐减。
And although GDP growth for 2005 has lately been revised down (from 2.6% to 1.9%), it is thanks only to exports and capital investment that the economy has continued to expand since the recovery got under way in 2002. 虽然,2005年的国民生产总值(GDP)后来被下调(从2.6%降至1.9%),但是,全亏了出口和投资的拉动,日本经济才得以在2002年开始复苏后,继续保持增长。
And although Mr Yeltsin boasted democratic credentials that Mr Putin cannot—notably his tolerance of critical media and his devolution of power to Russia's regions—he too could be irascibly nationalistic, meddling in Russia's ex-Soviet neighbours and taki 叶利钦的民主是吹出来的,普金则不然——他对重要媒体的宽容以及将权力下放到地区便是明证——不过他也可能成为疯狂的民族主义者、干涉前苏联国家的事务以及对待选举过于随便。
And although United's interest alone was appealing enough, his decision to leave White Hart Lane was made more enticing by the chance to play in Europe's top competition. 虽然曼联的兴趣已经足够让他下决心,但是决定离开白鹿巷更多的还是因为有机会打冠军杯。
And although another carmaker could use Proton's manufacturing plants, it would make little financial sense, since most parts would have to be imported. 而且尽管可能会有别的汽车制造商使用宝腾的制造车间,但这样做财政上不大划算,因为大多数部件不得不去进口。
And although both men and women express romantic love with the same intensity, and are attracted to partners who are dependable, kind, healthy, smart and educated, there are some notable differences in their choices. 虽然男人和女人用同样的强度表达浪漫的爱情,也同样会被可靠、和蔼、健康、聪明和有教养的伴侣所吸引,但不同性别在选择配偶时还是有着一些显著的不同。
And although concrete buildings tend to be markedly heavier and bulkier than steel ones, clever design can avoid the bunker look, according to architect Kohn. 建筑师孔恩认为,混凝土建筑物比起钢铁建筑物,无论重量、体积都大很多,但是高明的设计可以让它看来不致于像个笨重的碉堡。

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