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A small gang of forest buffalo congregate on the beach in Loango National Park.

A small flag for marking a position, used especially by surveyors or soldiers. 测量旗用来标记位置的小旗,尤用于测量员或战士
A small folded bag filled with lead pellets, used as ammunition in a stun gun. 子弹小袋,豆弹小袋装满铅弹的小折叠袋,用作鸟枪的子弹
A small fraction of the carbonic acid remains in solution without dissociating, as does a little carbon dioxide. 一小部份的碳酸和少量二氧化碳则不会解离,保持原状,留在溶液里。
A small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them. 只有一小部分死掉的生物在开始腐烂前,或者更可能的情况是,在食腐动物吃掉它们之前如此地保存起来。
A small fraction of the rocks blasted off Mars by asteroid or comet impacts could have reached Earth in just a few years. 小行星或彗星在撞击火星时,所轰出的岩石之中,有少数可以在仅仅数年之内就抵达地球。
A small gang of forest buffalo congregate on the beach in Loango National Park. 一小群森林水牛集结在卢安果国家公园的海滩上。
A small glass of whisky, please. 请来一小杯威士忌。
A small grocery store in New Delhi, India, April 19, 2007. 四月十九日,印度新德里一家小杂货店。
A small group of rebels has captured a sentient robot and proceeds to program it to act as an ally for their cause. 最后一集《22世纪杀人网络动画篇》有故事「变节」,由唯一参与《动画篇》的韩国制作人锺彼得自编自导。
A small group was organized to hunt out all the facts of that accident. 成立了一个小组来查清这一事故的全部实况。
A small grove; a thicket. 小树丛;灌木丛

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