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My friend can speak several languages.

My friend Mr Bai Lingqiao, my sister and I were in the Bund of Shanghai in 1999. 1999年元旦,我的朋友柏灵巧、我的小妹和我在上海外滩。
My friend Nick has a baby-face and nobody believes he is 50 years old. 我多年的好友尼克是个节目主持人,他就生了一张娃娃脸,没人相信他已经有50岁了。
My friend Terry reads and writes several languages. 我的朋友特里能用几种语言看书和写作。
My friend Tom is a reporter for the New York Times. 我朋友汤姆是《纽约时报》的记者。
My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music. 我和我的朋友对音乐有着共同的爱好。
My friend can speak several languages. 我朋友会说好几种语言。
My friend conducted us round the city. 我的朋友带领我们在城市里参观了一圈。
My friend could not understand his parents' obstinacyat first. To compromise, the designer suggested that the bed be modified into an antique. 好友起先还不了解父母的“顽固”,设计师还提出了把床铺当古董改装的折衷方法。
My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings in front of the TV -- virtually the only form of entertainment. 我的朋友没有提到在电视机前度过的漫长寂寞的冬夜--电视是唯一的娱乐形式。
My friend fell unco cious. 我的朋友昏过去了。
My friend gave me a gilt jewelry box. 我朋友给了我一个镀金的首饰盒。

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