Immigrant advocates counter that the current fee hike is far greater than any previous increase.
移民拥护者反驳说当前的费用上涨远高于以往的上涨。 |
Immigrant brides gathered in Geohiong (Kaohsiung) county today for a barbecue event to exchange experiences in Daiwan.
高雄县今阿日有办烘肉耶联谊会乎嫁来台员耶移民一耶机会交换生活耶经验。 |
Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens.
移民来的工人已归入外侨类. |
Immigrants add to the vibrancy and cultural diversity of this unique nation and help to open stronger ties with other countries around the world.
来自世界各地的移民不仅给加拿大带来了勃勃生机和斑斓的文化,而且使得加拿大和外部世界的联系变得更加巩固而紧密。 |
Immigrants are provided with sites on which to build their own houses.
移民可以得到提供的地皮建造自己的房子。 |
Immigrants came for many reasons.
移民到美国的原因有许多种。 |
Immigrants from continental Europe, mainly Germans, usually came as redemptioners6, immigrants brought over on credit provided by ship captains.
以德国人为主的来自欧洲大陆的移民通常为自主契约仆役,由船长提供贷款越洋而来。 |
Immigrants from continental Europe, mainly Germans, usually came as redemptions, immigrants brought over on credit provided by ship captains.
以德国人为主的来自欧洲大陆的移民通常为自主契约仆役,由船主提供贷款越洋而来。 |
Immigrants from countryside constitute majority, most of them will become city dweller, what conflicts would they meet?
尤其是近年来随着经济全球化和工业化进程的加快,大规模移民活动已经涌现并发生。 |
Immigrants settlers brought Father Christmas to the United States.
外来殖民者将圣诞老人带到美国。 |
Immigration advocates say that the Real ID Act unfairly targets illegal immigrants.
移民支持者认为“真实身份法案”有失公允,把矛头指向非法移民者。 |