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The chemical structures of CPU and CPU 80, two substituted tetrahydroisoquinoline calcium antagonists, and nifedipine were mimicked on a SGI-D G computer with the POLYGEN software.
借助于POLYGEN软件包在SGI-DG计算机上对四氢异喹啉钙拮抗剂CPU ,CPU80和硝苯啶的化学结构进行了分子模拟。

The character of Bumble bees( Bombus spp.) for pollination and its breeding in capitivity 熊蜂(Bombus spp.)的授粉特性及其人工饲养
The characteristic masses of the method for cadmium and stibium are .pg and 77.pg,respectively. The average RSD are .9% and .%,respectively. The recoveries are in the range of 8%—9% and 8%—9%,respectively. 镉和锑的特征质量分别为 . pg和 77. pg,相对标准偏差平均值分别为 .9%和 . % ,加标回收率分别为 8 %— 9 %和 8 %— 9 %。
The characteristic sequence of archaeal promoter-DPE(distal promoter element) was the functional element necessary for thepromoter activity of RM07 in both Archaea (Haloferax volcanif) and Eukarya(Saccharomyces cerevisiae). 嗜盐古生菌启动子特征序列DPE对于RM07片段在嗜盐古生菌和酵母菌中的启动子活性都是必需的功能元件;
The chemical composition, microstructure, physical and ceramic properties of fifteen typical specimens of Dehua white and shadowy blue porcelain(Yingqing) of successive dynasties were examined and analyzed. 分析鉴定了十五种历代德化白瓷和影青典型样品的化学组成、显微结构以及物理和陶瓷性能。
The chemical constituents of the sponge Callyspongia fibrosa and the sponge Ircinia aruensis collected from the South China Sea were studied in the paper. 本论文对中国南海海绵Callyspongia fibrosa和Ircinia aruensis的化学成分进行研究。
The chemical structures of CPU and CPU 80, two substituted tetrahydroisoquinoline calcium antagonists, and nifedipine were mimicked on a SGI-D G computer with the POLYGEN software. 借助于POLYGEN软件包在SGI-DG计算机上对四氢异喹啉钙拮抗剂CPU ,CPU80和硝苯啶的化学结构进行了分子模拟。
The chemical waves in the nitrate sulphuric acid ferroin system was studied with the methods of experiment research and theoretical analysis. 用实验研究和理论分析的方法对硝酸盐 -硫酸 -试亚铁灵体系中的化学波现象进行研究 .
The chief complications were: trismus(9 %) and soft palate damage( 7%). 主要后遗症为张口困难(9.%),软腭损伤(.7%)等。
The chip PCF87 A was selected as MCU, LC was selected as expend EEPROM, the RS was selected to connect STIM and NCAP, through these things, and the hardware construct of this system was build. 选用PICF87 A芯片为主控制器,LC为扩展EEPROM,STIM和NCAP之间通过RS 连接,从而实现了基于该标准的硬件结构。
The chromatographic conditions are as fellows:ODS-AM- 0 column(YMC,.mm×0mm,μm)with the temperature of 0℃,acetonitrile-water(0∶0)containing 0.% trifluo roacetic acid as mobile phase with the flow rate of mL/min. 色谱条件为:ODS-AM- 0 色谱柱(YMC,.mm×0mm,μm),柱温0℃,含0.%三氟乙酸的乙腈-水(0∶0)为流动相,流速mL/min。
The chromatography of β~XTPV moved slightly slower than normal β~ATPV. Amino acid analysis of β~XTPV showed that a substitution of glycine for aspartie acid had occurred. Thus the varient was identified as Hb-J Bangkok [α_β_(D_7) Gly→Asp]. 肽段β~XTpV的氨基酸组分分析表明其中的一个甘氨酸被门冬氨酸取代,溴化氰裂解异常βTpV肽,从高压电泳行为以及结构分析可确证β链第位的甘氨酸被门冬氨酸取代,故其结构是Hb J Bangkokα_β_[D_7]Gly→Asp。

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