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In May 2005, the company became privately owned by a consortium of private equity firms.

In May 2003, a needle broke while a 31-year-old man was undergoing local infiltrating anesthesia for extraction of tooth #38 at a local dental office, and he was referred to our hospital for help. 本病例为一31岁男性,在牙科诊所接受技牙手术时,牙医师施行下颚后牙区局部浸润性麻醉时发生针头断针,然后转介至本院接受治疗。
In May 2003, our Fab 1 was one of the two recipients of the Top Fab of the Year for 2003by Semiconductor International , a leading publication in the semiconductor industry. 中芯国际一厂于2003年5月荣获半导体国际杂志颁发的2003年度最佳半导体厂奖项。
In May 2005 Fifa launched an investigation which not only covered United and Chelsea but Shittu, the Norwegian agent, Rune Hauge, who was advising Chelsea, and the English agent, Jerome Anderson. 2005年5月,国际足联启动了一项调查行动,涉及的方面除了曼联和切尔西俱乐部,还有施图和一位挪威经纪人--鲁内·侯格,他是隶属于切尔西的一名顾问,以及一位英格兰经纪人,杰诺米·安德森。
In May 2005 RAF Eurofighter Typhoons undertook the first operational ASRAAM trials, shooting down two targets over the Hebrides sea range, off Scotland. 2005年5月皇家空军的欧洲战斗机‘台风’进行了首次先进短程空对空导弹的使用试验,在苏格兰岛外的赫布里底海域上空击落了两个目标。
In May 2005, LIAN Zhang, chairman of Kuomintang, and SONG Chu-yu, Chairman of The People First Party, all leaded group to visit Mainland China successively. 摘要2005年“五?四”前后,中国国民党主席连战和亲民党主席宋楚瑜先后率团访问大陆。
In May 2005, the company became privately owned by a consortium of private equity firms. 2005年5月,该公司变为由一家私有股本公司财团拥有的私营公司。
In May 2006 a police investigation at a premises in Brighton identified a Lithuanian woman who said she had been trafficked into the UK and forced to work as a prostitute. 2006年5月,警方调查英国南部布赖顿的一处建筑物时,确认了一名立陶宛妇女的身份。据该妇女称,她被拐卖到英国,被迫做妓女卖淫。
In May 2007, the company was awarded the ISO9001:2000 Quality Control System Certificate. 2007年5月通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证。
In May a court told the duplicate delinquents to stop doppelg?nging up on people. 今年5月时,法院告诫这双坏家伙,要他们别再用同样的脸孔捉弄人。
In May he led a group of fellow military police into the mountains behind Dili, where they refused to give up their weapons until the then Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri resigned from office. 在五月期间,他带领了一伙同是武装警察的同事,进驻位于帝力后的深山,他们居于山内拒绝缴械,直到总理马里.阿卡缇里辞职下台后才投降。
In May last year Colombia's Constitutional Court ruled that an outright ban on abortion was unconstitutional; it must be allowed in cases of rape, incest, severe deformity and danger to maternal health. 去年5月,哥伦比亚宪法法院作出以下裁定:完全禁止堕胎是违宪的;在因强暴或乱伦而受孕,胎儿严重畸形,或危及母亲健康的情况下,应该允许孕妇堕胎。

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