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We will help balance your energy, we will hug you, and by all means we will love you.

We will have to go in rain or fine. 无论晴天下雨,我们都得去。
We will have to say good bye. 我们不得不说道别.
We will have to see about starting well straight away in the league and winning the European Supercup. 我们要准备好下赛季的征战并赢得超级杯。”
We will have to terminate the contract and find a new supplier. 我们不得不终止合约,另找供应商。
We will heal the rift and make the world whole again. 我们将填平裂缝,再次创造一个统一的世界.
We will help balance your energy, we will hug you, and by all means we will love you. 我们将帮助你平衡你的能量,我们将拥抱你,并且当然的,我们将会爱你。
We will help the people in that rebellion. 我们会帮助人民起义。
We will help you as far as we can. 就我而言,我支持警察们为改善他们的服务所做的努力.
We will help you defeat Zeus. 我们将帮助你打败宙斯。
We will help you learn your personal strengths and weaknesses and find out what careers are a perfect fit for you! 我们会帮助大家分析自己的优缺点,找出最适合你的职业。
We will hew out of the mountain of despair a ston of hope! 我们从绝望的大山中砍出一块有希望的石头!

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