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He will not reach wisdom that is never touched by sorrows.

He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. 诗112:7他必不怕凶恶的信息.他心坚定、倚靠耶和华。
He will not lack for advisers. 给他出谋划策的人不会少。
He will not lift a finger for her. 他不要帮她一点小忙。
He will not like a proposal to allow more federally funded stem-cell research, but Ms Pelosi thinks she can assemble a veto-proof two-thirds majority for it. 但他不会同意增加联邦政府对干细胞研究的资金投入,而佩洛西认为她能保证三分之二多数来防止该提案被否决。
He will not live through the night. 他活不过今天夜里了。
He will not reach wisdom that is never touched by sorrows. 没有被悲伤触摸过的人,永远不会有智慧。
He will not regard any ransom, Nor will he be content if you give him great gifts. 35什么赎价,他都不顾;你虽送许多礼物,他也不肯干休。
He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. 2他不喧嚷,不扬声,也不使街上听见他的声音。
He will not sit down under such treatment. 我不应再忍受好如此的礼遇。
He will not suffer from hunger and poor. 亦无饥馑贫乏之忧。
He will not suffer from unnatural death. 不为横死非命所夭。

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