Joseph behold my style of cookery with growing indignation.
我这种作菜的方式让约瑟夫越看越冒火。 |
Joseph clams up when questioned about his army experiences in Northern Ireland.
虽然并不清楚他到底是不愿意还是不能开口,爱丽丝仍旧感到他是在刻意地保持距离。 |
Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father. So the physicians embalmed Israel.
创50:2约瑟吩咐伺候他的医生、用香料薰他父亲、医生就用香料薰了以色列。 |
Joseph died, and all his brothers and all that generation.
出1:6约瑟和他的弟兄、并那一代的人都死了。 |
Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.
5约瑟作了一梦,告诉他哥哥们,他们就越发恨他。 |
Joseph has converted to Christianity.
约瑟夫已经改信基督教。 |
Joseph hurried out for he was deeply stirred over his brother, and he sought a place to weep; and he entered his chamber and wept there.
创43:30约瑟爱弟之情发动、就急忙寻找可哭之地、进入自己的屋里、哭了一场。 |
Joseph is less honest than his brother.
约瑟夫不像他兄弟那样诚实。 |
Joseph likes to listen to music.
约瑟夫喜欢听音乐。 |
Joseph mumbled indistinctly in the depths of the cellar, but gave no intimation of ascending; so his master dived down to him, leaving me VIS-A-VIS the ruffianly bitch and a pair of grim shaggy sheep-dogs, who shared with her a jealous guardianship over a
约瑟夫模糊的回答从地窖深处传来,但是没有要上来的意思;于是他的主人就自己下去了,留下我和那凶猛的母狗四目相对,还有一对令人害怕的杂毛狗睡在旁边,它们和它一起警惕的监视着我的一举一动。 |
Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh and said, It is because God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father's household.
51约瑟给长子起名叫玛拿西(就是使之忘了的意思),因为他说,神使我忘了一切的困苦和我父的全家。 |