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Never despair. But if you do, work on in despair.

Never could one find a single wimple on this cloak. 从来没人能从这件斗篷上找到一个褶裥。
Never covet shoes\' beauty while torment your feet. 切莫只贪图鞋的华贵,而委屈了自己的脚。
Never covet wealth and power. 切勿贪图财富和权力。
Never cross a fence, climb a tree or perform any awkward action with a loaded gun. 当你要将枪递给别人时,一定要拉开枪机并保持开膛状态,机匣和弹匣内都不能有子弹。
Never deal with Supplier over the phone. 千万不要在电话中与供应商洽谈生意。
Never despair. But if you do, work on in despair. 凡事不可绝望。即使失败了也应该锲而不舍地再努力。
Never despair; but if you do, work on in despair. 永远不要绝望;如果你真的绝望了,那么请在绝望中继续工作。
Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today. 今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。
Never deviate from holding that note. 保持那个音符,千万不要偏离。
Never did a man with a bowler hat come to offer me money. 从来没有一个戴着黑色圆顶礼帽的人过来给我钱。
Never did he appoint a successor to a worthy magistrate while yet alive, except in the case of Orfitus, the prefect of the city, and then only at his own request. 他从不对一个尚在人世的称职的长官任命继承者,只除了城市长官奥非图斯,但那是出于他自己的请求。

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