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Then the officers brought the soldier to the open space, where a big gallows was set up.

Then the nations set against him on every side from the provinces, and spread their net over him: he was taken in their pit. 结19:8于是四围邦国各省的人来攻击他、将网撒在他身上、捉在他们的坑中。
Then the negotiating really begins, but that's another story. 接下来谈判就算真正开始了,但那不是我这里所要讨论的。
Then the next day he can redirect his focus to his problem with greater success. 第二天,他可以更全副心力的将心神集中在问题上。
Then the next day to in and out Famous in all of USA hamburgers. 然后接下来的一天要逛遍美国所有出名的汉堡店。
Then the next month they may be in the operating room. 然后下一个月可能进入手术室。
Then the officers brought the soldier to the open space, where a big gallows was set up. 接着官员们把士兵带到广场,在那儿已搭好了一座很大的绞刑台。
Then the officers shall add, Is any man afraid or fainthearted? Let him go home so that his brothers will not become disheartened too. 8官长又要对百姓宣告说,谁惧怕胆怯,他可以回家去,恐怕他弟兄的心消化,和他一样。
Then the official would have a goat tied to a stake. 接着官员就把一只羊拴到树上。
Then the officials said to Baruch, Go, hide yourself, you and Jeremiah, and do not let anyone know where you are. 耶36:19众首领对巴录说、你和耶利米要去藏起来.不可叫人知道你们在那里。
Then the officials said to Baruch, You and Jeremiah, go and hide. Don't let anyone know where you are. 19众首领对巴录说,你和耶利米要去藏起来,不可叫人知道你们在哪里。
Then the officials were angry at Jeremiah and beat him, and they put him in jail in the house of Jonathan the scribe, which they had made into the prison. 耶37:15首领恼怒耶利米、就打了他、将他囚在文士约拿单的房屋中.因为他们以这房屋当作监牢。

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