Lukewarm state city is good amount to Electromechanical limited company to found on September 16, 2000, it is the concessionary agency that group of German BMW automobile visits first accredit in Zhejiang.
温州市好达机电有限公司创建于2000年09月16日,是德国BMW汽车集团在浙江省首家授权的特许经销商。 |
Lukin told the journal Science that removing some kerosene and antifreeze spilt by the drill into the borehole will reduce pressure inside, so water will rush up out of the lake instead of the pollutants dropping down.
鲁金告诉科学报刊移去一些钻孔机溢出的煤油和除冻剂会降低压力,因此湖水会冲出湖外,而非污染物沉入湖中。 |
Luk:About one hundred words.
路克:大约一百字。 |
Lula and Mr Palocci sensibly steered clear of debt default and stuck to responsible macroeconomic policies.
卢拉和帕罗奇的确摆脱了债券违约风波,坚持正确的宏观经济政策。 |
Lula is the first Latin American leader brought to Camp David since 1998 and the first hosted for an official visitsince 1992.
从1998年以及从1992年第一次承办官方访问以来,卢拉是第一位被邀请到戴维营的拉美领导人。 |
Lula's own party resists such measures, and he may be even more at the mercy of his Congressional allies' voracious appetite for public money.
卢拉自己的党派对这些改革很抵触,而他自己可能在议会同党对公共财产的贪婪面前睁一眼闭一眼。 |
Luleng deems that public will is a sublimation of human's free volitions.
摘要卢梭认为,公意就是人类自由意志的升华。 |
Lull ( Level 30) –Calms the target. The enemy will no longer assist friends and ignores all pleas for help during the duration of this spell.
30级,威压目标,在有效时间内使目标不再援助同伴并无视同伴的所有帮助请求。 |
Lulon JP. Reversible gonadotrip in deficiency in male Cushing′s disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab1977;45∶488—491.
李恩,闫淑云,谷丽敏,等.原发性骨质疏松发病的相关因素.中国骨质疏松杂志1997;3(2)∶1—3. |
Lulu explained, You see my ex-husband and I got to-gather in a college debate competition, got strongly attracted to each other, and finally got married.
但是因为同样的原因-在家里总是进行非常激烈的辩论,我们开始厌恶对方,所以现在就离婚了。” |
Lulu is dressed up today. She looks so nice.
露露今天是打扮得整整齐齐的,她看起来好得没有话讲。 |