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Eat more healthy food, less unhealthy food.

Eat lots of fresh fruit, salads and veggies. Include fish in the diet as much as possible. Take a supplement containing flaxseed oil or evening primrose oil. 食用大量的新鲜水果、沙拉及蔬菜。尽量在菜单中加入鱼类。摄取含有亚麻子油或樱草花油(?)的补充品。
Eat low-sodium foods: Raw almonds, fruits, vegetables, other unsalted nuts. High-sodium foods will make you more thirsty and more dehydrated. 多吃低盐食品,如:生杏仁、水果、蔬菜以及其他一些未经腌制的坚果。含盐量高的食品容易让人口渴,并易使人脱水。
Eat more fruit and vegetables. 多吃水果及蔬菜。
Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grai , particularly oats, bea and legume the fiber slows digestion, limiting ikes and dro in blood i ulin and sugar levels. 多吃蔬菜、水果和全麦制品,尤其是燕麦、大豆和豆荚;这些食物中的植物纤维可以延缓消化,减少血液中胰岛素和血糖水平的巨大起伏。
Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, particularly oats, beans and legumes; the fiber slows digestion, limiting spikes and drops in blood insulin and sugar levels. 多吃蔬菜、水果和全麦制品,尤其是燕麦、大豆和豆荚;这些食物中的植物纤维可以延缓消化,减少血液中胰岛素和血糖水平的巨大起伏。
Eat more healthy food, less unhealthy food. 多吃健康食品,少吃不健康食品.
Eat more roughage to keep healthy. 多吃些粗粮保持健康。
Eat more roughage. 多吃些粗粮。
Eat more tomatoes, broccoli or fruits and vegetables in red and dark green color. They carry a huge amount of antioxidant carotenoids, lycopene and carotene. 多吃蕃茄,花椰菜,和其它红色和深绿色的水果,它们含有大量的抗氧化素如胡萝卜素。
Eat natural with a squeeze of lime, or add to a fruit salad. 可加酸橙汁食用,也可做水果色拉。
Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof. 出12:9不可吃生的、断不可吃水煮的、要带著头、腿、五脏、用火烤了吃。

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