In case an accepting institution cannot decide on the spot whether an application should be accepted or not, it shall, after receiving the applicant's application materials, provide the applicant with a note acknowledging receipt of the application materi
受理机构不能当场作出是否受理决定的,收到申请人的申请材料后,应当向申请人出具收文回执和列明材料名称的清单。 |
In case an account continues to be overdue for review for more than 3 months Branch would seek approval from the General Manager for entertaining further business/ to allow fresh withdrawal in the a/c.
如果帐户要逾期三个月以上才能进行复查的,分行得向总经理申报批准,好接受更多的业务/允许贷款人在其帐户里提款。 |
In case an application item is within the limits of authority of the CIRC and its local offices, and the application materials are complete and comply with the legal format or materials have been duly supplemented or corrected in accordance with requireme
(五)申请事项属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。 |
In case any clauses in English contract (inc.appendixs) are of different opinion than the contract of other ersions,accordingly, they are all subject to the English ersion.
“如果本合同(包括附表)中的任何条款在英文版与其它任何语言的翻译版本之间有抵触或不一致,应该以.本合同的英文版为准。” |
In case any clauses in English contract (inc.appendixs) are of different opinion than the contract of other versions,accordingly, they are all subject to the English version.
“如果本合同(包括附表)中的任何条款在英文版与其它任何语言的翻译版本之间有抵触或不一致,应该以.本合同的英文版为准。” |
In case any director, supervisor or senior manager, during his term of office, is under any of the circumstances as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the company shall dismiss him from his post.
董事、监事、高级管理人员在任职期间出现本条第一款所列情形的,公司应当解除其职务。 |
In case any one of the above-mentioned persons conduct graft or serious dereliction of duty, they may be dismissed at any time upon the decision of the board.
以上人员如有营私舞弊或严重失职行为的,不能胜任工作的,经董事会决定可随时撤换。 |
In case any standard lease form is required by the relevant government agency in Beijing, this Tenancy Agreement shall supplement and prevail over that standard lease form.
如果北京有关政府机关要求任何的标准租赁合同,本合同将作为标准租赁合同的补充并以本合同为准,本合同附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分。 |
In case application materials are incomplete or do not accord with the legal format, an accepting institution shall make out a notice of materials supplement and correction on the spot or within 5 days, informing the applicant of what to be supplemented.
(五)申请事项属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。 |
In case he comes, please phone me.
如果他来的话,请给我打电话。 |
In case her age exceeds 15 years, the extra average insurance premium thus incurred shall be borne by the Seller.
对超过15年船龄的船只其超船龄额外保险费应由卖方负担。 |