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All she said was a riddle to me.

All she did here is complaining. 她在这里时除了抱怨还是抱怨。
All she does is go blah-blah-blahall night. 她整夜说个不停。
All she needs is some encouragement. 她所需要的就是一些鼓励的话。
All she needs to do to lose weight is to take a bath. 她只要洗个澡,就能达到减肥的目的。
All she really wants is a one-way ticket home, but what she gets is an adventure that will lead her and her newfound friends past the wickedest of witches to a presumably omnipotent Wizard in the glittery, magical, miraculous land of Oz. 其实,在这个华丽而魔幻境界里,她所经历的许多冒险,都将带领著她与她的朋友们对抗邪恶的女巫,并找到全能的男巫师,指引一条回家的路。
All she said was a riddle to me. 她所说的一切对我来说是一个谜。
All sheaves and rollers of life boat davit to be overhauled, cleaned, greased and reassembled. 所有救生艇吊柱,滚轮,滑车,拆检,清洁,加油并装妥。
All shipments must be made on Delivered Duty Paid. 所有的货运都要在完税后才交货。
All shipping is handled by the Sales Section. 所有的运输业务都由销售部负责。
All ships shall be provided with separate offices or a common ship's office for use by deck and engine departments; ships of less than 3,000 gross tonnage may be exempted by the competent authority from this requirement after consultation with the shipown 所有船舶应配备分开的或共用的船舶办公室,供甲板部和轮机部使用;主管当局在与有关的船东和海员组织协商后可对低于3,000总吨的船舶免除此要求。
All ships shall have a space or spaces on open deck to which the seafarers can have access when off duty, which are of adequate area having regard to the size of the ship and the number of seafarers on board. 所有船舶应根据其大小和船上海员的人数,在露天甲板上安排一块或数块具有充足面积的场地,供不当班的船员休息之用。

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