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Someone just stepped on my cape!she said.

Some travel on Thursday just to train on Friday. “有些球员星期四才回来,星期五开始训练。
Some.He thought she'd take the pattern off the plate with the scraping. “有时候会去。”他觉得她要把盘子上的花纹都擦掉了。
Someday you - with all your strength and charm and good looks - you - all of you, will call me master! “终有一天你们——即使你们强壮、有魅力、英俊——你——你们每个人都将叫我主人!”
Somedayand one of these daysare losing their grip on my vocabulary. “有朝一日”和“终有一天”这样的词正从我的常用词汇中淡出。
Someday, Murphy-willing, I will write a memoir. You may be in it. It's going to be a best seller, I promise you. “有一天,不出什么问题的话,我会写一本回忆录。而你可能就会在其中出现。我向你担保,那会成为一本畅销书的。”
Someone just stepped on my cape!she said. “刚刚有人踩到我的披肩!”她说。
Someone's stolen my bicycle!she said in dismay. “有人偷了我的自行车!”她沮丧地说。
Something passed her, all dressed in white, and vanished--A great black dog behind him-- Three loud raps on the chamber door-- A light in the churchyard just over his grave,. 有个东西从她身边经过,一身素装,转眼就不见了”——一条大黑狗跟在后面”——在房门上砰砰砰”敲了三下——墓地里一道白光正好掠过他坟墓”等等等等。
Something specialrefers to a special relationship or feelings.You would only say this to a girlfriend/boyfriend, not to a platonic friend. 指的是特殊的关系或感觉。你只能说给女朋友或男朋友听,而不是一个一般的朋友。
Sometimes I can feel the pain while I work,he said. My chest hurts, and I have no energy. “干活时也不时会感觉到痛,”他说。“我的胸口疼,浑身没力气。”
Sometimes I do it as a bit of fun,Lampard has told Chelsea TV, but it is a test of your skill and I practice shooting from all angles and with both feet. “有时我将这种训练当作一种游戏,”兰帕德告诉切尔西电视台,“但这是对你球技的一种锻炼,并且我在球场的各个角度下都尝试过用双脚进行射门训练。”

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