Moreover, people who live in the heartland of America have little contact with other linguistic groups, making foreign language skills irrelevant. |
中文意思: 此外,居住于美国大陆内地的人,较少与其它语言族群接触,因此外语能力更显得无关紧要。 |
Moreover, on a multiprocessor system, disabling interrupts on the local CPU is not sufficient, and other synchronization techniques must be used.
此外,在多处理器系统上,在当前CPU上禁止中断是不能正确完成同步功能的,必须同时使用附加的同步技术。 |
Moreover, once you begin to appropriate a voice that isn't yours, it becomes easier accidentally to appropriate words and ideas——to plagiarize.
而且,当你鹦鹉学舌,用他人之口说话时,你更容易不经意地挪用别人的语句或观点——即去剽窃。 |
Moreover, only about 20 percent of the magma erupted at Etna has a chemical composition similar to that of a rift-zone volcano.
此外,埃特纳喷出的岩浆,其化学成份只有大约20%和张裂带的岩浆相似。 |
Moreover, ostensible agency authority is not a real agency authority, but a special relationship between the client and the third person.
并且,表见代理权限并非真正的代理权限,它是以特定的方式创设的被代理人与第三人之间法律关系,是由被代理人向第三人做出的意思表示。 |
Moreover, our business will keep flourishing and thriving from day to day.
我们的事业也会蒸蒸日上、兴旺发达。 |
Moreover, people who live in the heartland of America have little contact with other linguistic groups, making foreign language skills irrelevant.
此外,居住于美国大陆内地的人,较少与其它语言族群接触,因此外语能力更显得无关紧要。 |
Moreover, quite high success rate are also found in the treatment of young, posterior, symptom-free teeth with carious exposure.
然而应用于治疗发育未完成恒牙龋齿,导致牙髓暴露但无临床症状之病例,亦获得极高之成功率。 |
Moreover, reflections on both market failure and bureaucracy failure reveal that network theory, characterized as self-governance, resources interdependent, building trust and consensus, may become a useful conceptual framework of public governance under
公共行政官僚、市场、非营利组织与社区公民团体等皆是治理的一环,没有任何一种制度机制可以完全适用与操控公共治理的領域。 |
Moreover, researchers found that the weight gain was substantial with some women even gaining 33 pounds or more.
此外,研究人员发现,有些女性的体重有较大幅度的增长,16年内增加了33磅甚至更多。 |
Moreover, riding fast is exciting.
另外,骑快车也是令人兴奋的。 |
Moreover, salaries increase rapidly as people move up the organizational hierarchy whether it be a school system, a large for-profit business organization, or a not-for -profit charitable or medical institution.
而且,不论是在学校营利性组织,还是非营利性的慈善医疗机构,薪水随职位在组织中层级的上升而迅速上升。 |