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A native of West Virginia, USA, Osburn has been a Rotarian since 1977 and is currently a member of the RI Finance Committee and the Chairman's Advisory Committee of The Rotary Foundation.

A nationwide U.S 6) geological 7) survey 8) sampling water in 30 states found that the total weight of drugs and personal-care products that find their way into the environment each year is equal to that of 9) pesticides that end up in the environment 10) 美国一项全国地质调查在30个州进行水的抽样检验发现,药物与个人保养用品每年侵入环境的总量,竟然相当于每年流到环境中的农药总量。
A nationwide public health network has been formed and there is now a large contingent of medical personnel. 一个全国范围内的公共卫生网络已经形成,并且已有了大批的医疗人员。
A nationwide test by the Department of Education showed that the average American college graduate's literacy skills have declined significantly over the past decade. 美国教育部组织的一次全国性调查表明在过去的十年里美大学生的英语水平严重下滑.
A native Scot. 土生的苏格兰人
A native of Hong Kong, Mr. Cheung holds a Master of Management degree from Northwestern University, J.L. Kellogg School of Management, in Evanston, Illinois. 张先生来自香港,他获利了美国伊利诺斯州西北大学J.L.凯洛格管理学院管理硕士学位。
A native of West Virginia, USA, Osburn has been a Rotarian since 1977 and is currently a member of the RI Finance Committee and the Chairman's Advisory Committee of The Rotary Foundation. 奥斯本出生于美国西维吉妮亚州,从1977年起他成为一位扶轮社员以及目前是国际扶轮财政委员会和扶轮基金会主委顾问委员会的委员。
A native of the Netherlands, he earned his doctorate at Utrecht University in 1985. 他是荷兰人,1985年获得乌特列兹大学的博士学位。
A native or inhabitant of Alsace. 阿尔萨斯人阿尔萨斯人或阿尔萨斯居民
A native or inhabitant of Bali. 巴厘岛人巴厘的土著人或居民
A native or inhabitant of Bavaria. 巴伐利亚人巴伐利亚本土人或居民
A native or inhabitant of Bhutan. 不丹人不丹人民或居民

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