Work more and dream less, you will be much happier.
多做事少空想,这样你会愉快得多。 |
Work on a $200m opera house is under way.
一个花费2亿美元的歌剧院正在建设中。 |
Work on all the aspects of your game.
你的比赛能力的每一方面,你都要努力改善。 |
Work on analyzing your dreams every day, otherwise their progression will be difficult to assess.
每天努力分析你的梦,否则很难有进步。 |
Work on being selective with the focus of your camera.
还要选用不同的焦距来拍摄。 |
Work on gaining his total respect before anything else.
赢得它全部的尊敬是第一步。 |
Work on one item at a time.
在一个时间内集中精力做一件事情。 |
Work on the Risk Management Guide is nearing completion.
风险管理指导方面的工作已近完成。 |
Work on the Wall stopped at a 200-foot cliff hanging over a foaming white river.
长城终于竣工了,终端雄踞在一处高达200英尺的悬崖之上,俯瞰着下面白浪滔滔的河流。 |
Work on the construction site was at full blast.
建筑工地的工作已经全面展开。 |
Work on the film went on extremely rapidly after that. We realised soon that Mr Hayao was taking no part in making the film at all.
在那之后电影的制作进度极迅速的进行著。我们很快地了解到,宫崎骏先生在这部电影的制作中并没有参与任何部分。 |