Info It's that easy. Just go to the south curb under the sign shuttles and wait.
服务台就是这么简单。只要去南边边栏的巴士站牌下等就好了。 |
Info The bulletin board on the wall shows each shuttle service.
服务台那个墙上的布告栏有写每个巴士的服务。 |
Info Welcome to San Francisco. May I help you?
服务台欢迎来到旧金山。我可以帮什么忙吗? |
Info Would you like to rent a car or find another means of travel?
服务台您想要租车还是其它通行的方法? |
Info You are in luck, that property has a free shuttle that will pick you up at the airport.
服务台您很幸运,那一家饭店有免费的机场往返巴士可以在机场接您。 |
Info: Doctor of Sports Science, Master of Physical Education and Sports Coaching. Second place in the 1999 National Sports Institutes Aerobic Championships.
简介:体育学博士,体育教育与运动训练学硕士。99年全国体育学院健美操锦标赛亚军。 |
Info: Doctor of Sports science; Master of Physical Education and Sports Coaching; Bachelor of Sports Health Preservation & rehabilitation; NSCA –CPT Certified Personal Trainer.
简介:体育学博士,体育教育与运动训练学硕士,体育保健康复学士。美国体能协会NSCA-CPT注册私人教练。 |
Info: Enables Anti Tank Grenades on your Panzer Grenadier, Assault Grenadier, and Tank Buster squads.
装备反坦克手榴弹到你的装甲投掷兵,突击投掷兵和坦克破坏小队. |
Info: Equip your Panzer Infantry squad with MP44 Assault Rifles that provide excellent mid and short-range firepower.
装备MP44突击步枪到你的装甲兵小队,提供出色的中至近距离的火力. |
Info: Upgrade your HQ Territory to recharge all Panzer Elite abilities and heal any injured infantry units.
升级你的HQ根据地以重添装甲精英能力和冶疗任何受伤的步兵. |
Infomania mea that they lose concentration as their minds remain fixed in an almost permanent state of readine to react to technology i tead of focusing on the task in hand.
信息狂躁是指他们的意识近乎一直处于一种随时对“技术”做出反应的状态,因而无法将注意力集中在手头的工作上。 |