The study concludes that optical signals from the little flashing LED (light emitting diode) lights, usually red and dotting everything from modems to keyboards and routers, can be captured with a telescope or long-distance lens and processed to reveal al
该研究报告的结论是:从微小而不断闪烁的发光二极管(通常为红色且应用到各类设备,从调制解调器到键盘和路由器等)发出的光波信号,可以被望远镜或远程透镜捕获,然后在经过处理后将通过这些设备的数据一览无遗。 |
The study concludes the following: the purpose of issuing a bid s for the issuer or the owner of a business to select its best business partner, and to select products or services with good quality and pricing; the bid issuer is ultimately responsible for
摘要阐明招标的目的是为招标人或称业主选择最佳合作对象,选择质优价廉的物质产品或服务;招标的最终责任者是招标人;招标文件是招投标中最重要的内容;低价中标不一定都是最佳的评标办法。 |
The study conducted a questionnaire survey and collected the data of perceptions of foresters and conservationists in Taiwan on four forest management practices, i.e., natural forest, national park, forest recreation and forest plantation.
摘要本研究以邮寄问卷调查森林与保育专家对于天然林、国家公园、森林游乐区及人工林等四种森林经营方式的认知。 |
The study considered only areas where at least 70% of all plants are native.
调查研究的对象为那些原始植物占70%以上的地区。 |
The study continued for five years.
该项研究已经持续了5年。 |
The study contradicts a study earlier this year from researchers at the Mayo Clinic who found that 300 tests over a five-month period turned up no noticeable interference with important hospital equipment due to regular mobile phone use.
该项研究与美国梅约医学中心今年年初推出的另一项研究刚好相反,梅约的研究人员历时五个月进行了300次试验,结论是使用手机不会对医院的重要设备造成明显干扰。 |
The study corroborated previous research that found female alcoholics scored lower than their male counterparts in tests that assessed working memory, visuospatial skills and psychomotor speed.
这项研究支持先前关于女性酗酒者在工作记忆、视觉空间技能和精神运动速度的测试中较男性酗酒者得分低的发现。 |
The study covers the findings on two types of interviewees: 1) 13 Executive Yuan liaison officers with the Legislative Yuan from April through May 1999, and 2) twenty-two PR practitioners from PR agencies as well as in-house PR practitioners from December
在研究设计上采取「三角验证原则」,透过资料校正、分析者校正、理论校正,以及方法校正等原则,提高质性研究最可能产生的效度及信度问题。 |
The study defines negative workers as those who do not do their fair share of the work , are chronically unhappy and emotionally unstable, or bully or attack others.
研究人员将“消极员工”定义为那些不完成本职工作、长期不开心、情绪不稳定及欺负或攻击同事的人。 |
The study defines negative workers as those who do not do their fair share of the work, are chronically unhappy and emotionally unstable, or bully(4) or attack others.
坏员工的定义是那些不完成分内工作,长期不开心,情绪不稳定,欺凌弱小或者袭击他人的员工。 |
The study demonstrated that linear visco-elastic parameters of rheological models built by theoretical modeling methods were constant while nonlinear visco-elastic parameters were not constant and changed as stress level changed and that visco-plastic par
研究表明:运用模型理论建立的流变模型的线性粘弹性参数在低应力水平下是惟一的,但非线性粘弹性参数不惟一,并随应力水平的变化而变化,而粘塑性参数的大小决定了应力应变等时曲线的形状。 |