Political equality requires democratic political institutions.
政治平等需要民主的政治制度。 |
Political essays are important stylistics, about which further discussions and studies should be carried out.
摘要政论文是一种重要的文体,应该开展关于政论文文体翻译的讨论与研究。 |
Political experts question how much success Senator Hagel would have as a war critic in a Republican presidential field dominated by supporters of the current military strategy in Iraq.
政治专家置疑H参议员作为一个好战分子在当今伊拉克政策的支持者们大行其道的共和党总统阵营中能够获得多大的成功。 |
Political experts say it's a pipe dream for Republicans to win black and other minority votes in any significant numbers in 1988, whether the Rev.Jesse Jackson is on the Democratic ticket or not.
政情专家们说,无论杰克逊牧师是否成为民主党候选人,共和党若想在1988年在黑人或其他少数族裔中得到可观的选票,仍是梦想。 |
Political experts say it's a pipe dream for Republicans to win black and other minority votes in any significant numbers in1988, whether the Rev.Jesse Jackson is on the Democratic ticket or not.
政情专家们说,无论杰克逊牧师是否成为民主党候选人,共和党若想在1988年在黑人或其他少数族裔中得到可观的选票,仍是梦想。 |
Political experts say the plan will help Governor Schwarzenegger politically.
政治家称这一计划将会助长州长施瓦辛格的政治地位。 |
Political feudalism was essentially a system of extreme political decentralization wherein what we today would call public power was widely vested in private hands.
政治上的封建制度主要是一种极分权体系,我们今日所讲的公权力,在此被广泛分属到各人。 |
Political inclination affects the formation of people's political attitudes and political values.
摘要政治取向影响着人们的政治态度和政治观的形成。 |
Political institutions will be stable only if they are supported by organizations with an interest in their perpetuation.
政治制度只有当它与组织的长期利益相一致,并受到其支持时才会稳定。 |
Political institutions(rules that specify the structure and decision making framework of the polity)will be stable only if they are supported by organizations with an interest in their perpetuation.
只有当政治制度(确认政体的结构和制定决策的框架的规则)受到组织的支持并与组织的长期利益相一致时,它才会稳定。 |
Political interests: About to step down after six years as governor of Chukotka, in far north-east Russia.
政治兴趣:在任俄罗斯东北部偏远地区楚科塔州长6年之后,正在谋求卸任。 |